Digital Leap Week Day 5: Training and Skill Development

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Welcome to a key component of Digital Leap Week, focusing on training and skill development for NDIS services. In this activity, we’re diving into the heart of team empowerment – assessing and bridging digital skill gaps. This process is not just about identifying shortcomings; it’s a proactive step towards enhancing your team’s capabilities, aligning them with the digital transformation goals of your NDIS service. The journey towards digital proficiency begins with understanding where we stand and where we need to be.

Exercise 5A: Conducting a Skills Gap Analysis

Purpose: To identify the current digital skill levels of your team and determine where improvements are needed to support your NDIS service’s digital transformation.


  • List Key Digital Skills: Identify the digital skills crucial for effectively implementing and managing your digital transformation (e.g., data entry, software use, digital communication, data analytics).
  • Assess Current Skills: For each team member, assess their current proficiency in these skills. You can use a scale such as Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.
  • Determine Required Skills: Define the desired level of proficiency for each digital skill in relation to their role in your NDIS service.
  • Identify the Gaps: Compare the current and required skill levels to identify gaps.
  • Document the Results: Use the provided worksheet to document the skills gap analysis for each team member.

Worksheet: A structured template to record each team member’s current and required digital skill levels, and to identify where gaps exist.

Exercise 5B: Creating a Training Plan

Purpose: To develop a comprehensive plan for training your team, addressing the identified skill gaps and preparing them for effective participation in the digital transformation process.


  • Prioritise Training Needs: Based on the skills gap analysis, prioritise which skills need immediate development.
  • Set Training Objectives: For each prioritised skill, set clear training objectives. For example, “Team members will be able to use the new client management software efficiently.”
  • Choose Training Methods: Decide on the best methods to deliver the training (e.g., online courses, workshops, on-the-job training). Consider the learning preferences of your team and the resources available.
  • Develop a Training Schedule: Create a timeline for the training sessions, ensuring it fits into the overall timeline of the digital transformation.
  • Assign Trainers or Resources: Identify who will conduct the training (internal staff or external trainers) and what materials or resources will be needed.
  • Plan for Evaluation: Include methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the training (e.g., tests, practical demonstrations, feedback surveys).
  • Continual Learning and Development: Outline plans for ongoing skill development and keeping up with evolving digital trends relevant to NDIS services.

Congratulations on completing this crucial step in preparing your team for the digital era. The insights you’ve gained from the skills gap analysis and the training plan you’ve developed are foundational to your NDIS service’s digital transformation journey. By addressing these gaps, you’re not only enhancing individual competencies but also strengthening your service as a whole. Remember, the landscape of digital skills is ever-evolving, and continuous learning is key to keeping your team agile and adaptive. Embrace this journey with confidence, knowing that each step you take is a stride towards a digitally empowered future for your NDIS service.

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